William 25th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was a lot quieter than it usually is the day before yesterday little girl, though the evil,old swamp-witches dogs were let out a lot to bark and jump at the big old fence. However, a couple of hours before midnight, that deranged, moronic, mutated mini swamp-witching thing could he heard screaming, screeching, squawking, squealing, and howling wildly. It was so loud, my poor Mum heard it from the front of our house… it was absolutely terrible, no human child can make that amount of noise without having its tongue removed. I had to shove those waxy earoley things in my ears, and was hoping for a good nights sleep, but of course, I did not get one. I was awake very, very early, but managed to get back,off to sleep, before waking up again, and then having to get up. It was to early to feed Percy and George, so I waited downstairs until it was around the time that I feed them, and then I opened the garden doors. Poor Percy was first in, followed by George, and I gave them both a good feed… I remembered to give them some turkey ham, but George ate most of that, along with the food that Percy had left. When I had let them out, I washed up, and then got back up,here out of the way. Before I went to the bank three town away, I had to collect my poor Mum’s medication, and when I got back here with it, poor Percy came wowing along to greet me. I have only just remembered that he was crying loudly in the kitchen, and that he did not want the biscuits that I gave him… he cried so loudly, he made me jump, and I had to tell him to shush. I asked my poor Mum to let him out when I had left, as I did not want him following me. I was already in the way, as my other sister had just got up when I came back with my poor Mum’s medication, so I got out of the way, and left. I had to walk right to the top of ma very steep hill to get to the bank, and if that was not bad enough, my poor Mum had been ordered to tell me to buy more blasted meat… a huge loin of pork to be slapped down for next Sunday’s dinner, and two great big packs of pork-belly. I hate handling meat, and my other sister knows so, it is why she gets my poor Mum to get as much of it as I can whenever I go out… just lover £100 I spent yesterday, and if she thinks that I am doing the same when I go into town the day after tomorrow, she has got another thing coming. I had to go to a few other shops, all I was going to buy was some more catfood and some rolls, but of course, I had to stagger back with much more. Of course, it was terribly hot, even though those lying odd weathering people had said that it was going to be much cooler. I had hoped that I was going to get a good soaking, but I did not, and had to stop half-way home to sit down for a rest… and I never do that, it just goes to show how tired and hot I was. I sat down for ten minutes, then I headed back here to put all of the shopping away. Of course, I had to leave the pork-bellies and a big bag of chips out so that they could be slapped down, all dopey daft me had yesterday were a few biscuits and a couple,of cheese rolls. I had bought Tiddles and Molly a couple,of toys when I bought the catfood, and Molly loves hers, I think that Tiddles just sniffed hers, and walked away. When I had put everything away, I had to get back up,here out the way. It absolutely poured down late yesterday afternoon, evening, and night, I have not heard it rain so hard for a very long time… Molly was mystified with it, and was over there at the big window investigating everything. It was raining so hard, I had to go out there onto the landing to close the windows, as rain was getting in, there was a big puddle in there. I was hoping for a good sleep last night, but of course, I did not get one. I was still awake over two hours after closing my eyes, and was going to get up if I had not fallen asleep. I was not asleep for long though, as Molly came galloping across the big bed, and over my legs like a horse. I managed to get back to sleep, but not for long, and when I woke up, I had overslept by just ten minutes… I was hoping I would oversleep by about a hour when i closed my eyes last night. I got up and staggered down there to the kitchen to feed poor Percy and George, but only George came running in when I opened the garden doors.… I called for poor Percy, and he soon came running down the garden. I gave them both a good feed, though poor Percy did not eat all of his, but George soon walloped that down. I cannot remember if I forgot to give them any turkey ham, or just did not give it to them. I will give them some tomorrow, maybe I will be able to have a bit of a lay-in as well, but I doubt it. We love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX