William 21st August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It rained all day the day before yesterday little girl, so it was nice an peaceful for a change, which was a huge relief. It did not made a difference though, it was still an uncomfortable night, and I was awake very early yesterday morning… I wanted to go back to sleep, but it was pointless, so I got up. It was far to early to feed Percy and George, so I just took my stuff down there to the kitchen, and came back up here to Molly. It was soon time to go and feed Percy and George, and the usual stuff was waiting there in the kitchen for dopey daft odd me to take out there to the bins… there must have been more than twenty empty bottles to go out there. I thought that I drank a lot of Vimto last week, four bottles, and a bottle of Lucozade, but I was wrong. Along with loads of tins, a load of cardboard and paper, and other stuff, I was there for ages taking all the stuff to the bins. When I had finally finished, I fed poor Percy and George, and I gave poor Percy more food than he could eat… which is not a problem with George, as she eats almost anything, and will go on eating. Poor Percy managed to eat some of that turkey ham, but George ate most of that as well, and I still had trouble trying to get her to go out. I did not want her biting me again, and when she had finally gone out, I washed up, and got back up here out of the way. I did not make myself a mug of coffee when I made one for my poor Mum, as I wanted to leave here as early as I could, and when I left here, it was lovely and cool, and puddles were everywhere. I walked a different way into town, and almost got run over by some fat idiot on a scary odd bike expecting me to get out of his stinking way whilst I was walking on the pavement… of course I did not, it was going to be bad enough in the shops. I managed to remember to get everything that I needed to get, even three packets of turkey ham, but I had to get myself four bottles of Vimto, which had to go into my backpacky thingy, and that meant that I had five very heavy bags to stagger back here with. My fingers were all buckled and swollen when I got back here, and poor Percy was waiting up there by the big old gates… I was expecting him to come to meet me, but he just stayed there in the sun. It had been terribly hot on the way back here, and those blasted bags were so heavy that I had to keep stopping, and all of the puddles were gone. I came up here to see if Molly was okay, and she came down there to the kitchen with me whilst I put everything away… then I had to get back up here out of the way until I was allowed back down there into the kitchen to make some coffee just before midday, and even then I had to be quick. It was another peaceful afternoon and evening up until around three hours before midnight, and that is when I heard that rotten stinking big cakeholed mini swamp-witching thing squawking and screaming as loudly as it possibly could out there in the stinking odd swamping swamp. It was so bad that I had to put those waxy earoley things in earlier than I usually do, and then it was nice and quiet again. I was so tired when I got onto the bed, and when I got in, I must have fallen asleep immediately. I only woke up a couple of times during the night, and when I woke this morning, I had overslept by about fifteen minutes. When I took those waxy earoley thingies out, I could hear George howling away, and I headed down there to the kitchen. When I opened the garden doors, poor Percy came running in first, then howling George followed. I gave them both a good feed, and gave poor Percy more biscuits than he could eat, but George soon walloped them down. I gave them both some turkey ham as well, and when that was gone, I let them out, washed everything up, and got back up here out of the way. I had to get out of the ogresses snorting way when I went back down to the kitchen to make some coffee, but I did manage to grab some biscuits. It is very windy today little girl, the nasty old scary wind is blowing the poor beautiful trees around, but it has not stopped that evil old swamp-witch from letting her dogs out to bark and jump at the big old fence. I doubt that the nasty old scary wind will keep that stinking big cakeholed mini swamp-witching thing inside either, it will be out there standing at the same place by the big old fence with its great big cakehole going just around midday as usual. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XXXXXX