William 8th August 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was a horrible day little girl… those lunatic swamp things started with their crazy nuttiness just before midday, and went screeching, screaming, squawking, screeching, snorting, grunting, barking, cackling, and mooing until well gone midnight, with that deranged mini swamp-witching thing sometimes screaming for over an hour at a time. I was hoping that it would end as it got close to three hours before midnight, but the moon-howling lunatics only got worse. I recorded the moronic morons, just as I recorded the inbred parties that they had during the lockdown, but I doubt anything will be done about it… they have gotten away with it for the past nineteen summers, why should the made fatherless things stop now. Yesterday did my heed in so much, that I could not think of anything else to tell Charlie and you, over twelve hours of those lunatics and their nuttiness would make anyone forget things, let alone dopey daft me. For the fourth night in a row, I hardly got any sleep, and when I got up this morning, it was already hot again. I fed Percy and George, had to get out of the ogresses snorting way, and am feeling very depressed… what with one thing and another. Maybe today will be a nice quiet day, and I will have a lot of things to tell Charlie and you tomorrow little girl, but I doubt it very much. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX