William 2nd August 2020

Good morning beautiful Top Tops. It went quiet after I was on here to you yesterday little girl, but the peace did not last for long, and halfway through the afternoon, the nuttiness started up again… though I was able to turn the sound right up on the telly, as there was something worth watching. It was not as hot yesterday as the day before, but it was still hot enough, I am hoping that it does not get as hot as that again, but it will probably do so when I go back into town in four days time. I should be going into town tomorrow to get my new glasses, but if I do that, my poor Mum will be ordered to tell me to bring back more food to be gobbled down… as if I did not bring enough back last week, there was enough food to keep several families going for a month, yet now there is hardly anything left. I spent about £160 in the two days that I went into town, and I think that £8 of that went on catfood; I cannot remember if I bought two boxes last week, or just one. Whatever I bought, Percy and George have enough food to last a month, so I will not have to get any more of that until it starts cooling down. I do not know if I had a good nights sleep, it was so hot when I got onto the bed last night, I was so tired, and I just lay there cooling down. When I woke this morning, I had overslept by about twenty minutes, and when I went down there to the kitchen and opened the garden doors, poor Percy came running in, then George came running in as well. I gave them both a good feed, then some ham, and when I had let them out, I washed up, and got back up here before I got in anyone's way. I even had to be quick when I went back down there to make some tea for my poor Mum and dopey daft me, I managed to grab a few biscuits, but that will have to do me until this evening when I will have a few minutes to get a couple of cheese rolls. Meanwhile, those two have slapped down a huge breakfast, and will be chomping down and even bigger roast dinner later. Just before I came on here to you, I heard some slithering, spluttering, growling, grunting, and snorting from over there at the stinking odd swamp… it was something draining their odd bubbling pond, and then filling it. The water has now been running for about half an hour, and we are all supposed to be saving water around here, it sounds like it is going to be an even nuttier afternoon than it was the day before yesterday. I will be on here to Charlie and you tomorrow little girl, I would like to go and get my new glasses, but I do not want to come staggering back with blasted sausages, and loads more stuff to be chomped down… as that is what will be asked for yet again. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX