William 22nd July 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was another nonstop barking, squeaky toy squeezing for hours, big cakeholey day again yesterday little girl, and I almost lost it with that dog from over the back there that seemed to be barking for hours on end. I do not know how I managed to keep hold my anger, it most probably had something to do with me being so tired. I think if I took a handful of sleeping thingies, I would still be waking up about 300 times during the night. I managed to eat three times yesterday, not three times where I had enough food to feed three or four families for a month, just two times where I had a small bit of cheese with a few crisps, and once when I ate two cheese rolls. My odd stomach was full for a change, so I thought that I would have a good nights sleep, but of course, I did not, and when I got out of bed this morning, it felt as if I had not slept at all… my eyes look like two small holes in snow. I have to go into town again tomorrow little girl, and I have already been told twice that I have to bring back a load of blasted sausages… I am sick of the sight of them, I hate them, and the thought of the blasted things make me so angry. Yet whatever I bring back tomorrow will be gobbled down with sixteen pork chops, and I will be told that I have to get more when I have to go back into town again on Monday. I have to go out to get my poor Mum's medication, but that is all that I am doing. It my sisters want to gobble down pork chops and tons of blasted sausages again, they can go into town and get them… I despise handling meat, and they both know that, it is why I had all that meat delivered last week. I thought that it would last for ages, at least two weeks, but ohhhhhhhhhhh no, it was all gone within three or four days, its like feeding a herd of wolverines. I have to take Molly to the vets tomorrow as well, and I am not looking forward to that. I cannot even go in with her when she has those horrible old sharpy things stuck into her, as I have to wait outside, thanks to a nasty odd humany disease that is going around. I will be back the day after tomorrow, if I have not been arrested. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX