William 18th May 2020

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I did not feel like going into town this morning, as those deranged swamp things had another one of their moronic inbred garden party things from two hours after midday until well after midnight. As they got more and more drunk, the music got louder and louder, and then they started singing… it was terrible, whatever it was that was singing sounded like a drunken tom cat wailing to be allowed inside. I had a terribly uncomfortable night, usually I hardly move in bed, but when I woke up this morning, the duvet and the sheets were all over the place. I had woke up much earlier, and decided that I was not going to go into town then, and thought I might oversleep by about an hour, but I woke up early anyway. The bed was in to much of a mess for me to go back to sleep, so I got up, and went downstairs to feed Percy and George. When I got into the hallway, I thought that some old trollop was still singing out there in the smelly old swampy swamp, but then I realised that it was George howling… I opened the garden doors, and she came running in with Percy. As usual, there was a load of cardboard, paper, bottles, and tins to go out there to the bins, and when I had finally take all that out, I gave Percy and George a good feed. When they had finished, I let them out, washed up, and got back up here out of the way. I went down earlier than usual to make some coffee, as I was hungry, and wanted a few biscuits… I managed to get some out of the fridge, but I need not have bothered. When I went into a room with my poor Mum's coffee, the ogress was already sat there snorting away with her arms folded, so I had to get out of her way, and when I got up here with my coffee and biscuits, Molly decided that she would use her tray. I got so angry that I shouted at her and swore, though I did not mean it, I was just hungry. All I had yesterday was a bowl of mushroom soup with two buttered rolls, and that was in the evening… and I did not enjoy that because those lunatics were making as much noise as they possibly could. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX