William 9th November 2019

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about yesterday little girl, I felt so depressed that I could not think of anything to say to Charlie and you. I felt bad all day, and did not expect a good night when I got into bed last night, but I only woke once, and when I woke up this morning, I had overslept by forty-five minutes. When I got down to the kitchen, there was more cardboard and tins to go out there to the bins, and when I opened the garden doors, Jenny came rushing in. When I got out there in the garden, George came running up, but there was no sign of Percy, so I called him. He came running up, and I let him and George into the kitchen for some food. I gave Percy and Jenny four packets of food, and gave George one, as she left half of hers the other day. I shook a load of biscuits on top, and put it down for them… they were all hungry, and the food was soon gone. I let them out, washed up, and got back up here out of the way. All I seemed to do was get in the way of the ogress and my little sister yesterday, and that is what made me feel even lower than I already was feeling… no matter when I go downstairs, I am always in their way. I am hoping to let poor Percy and Jenny back in when I go back down to the kitchen just before midday, it has turned very cold, and I would like them to be by the nice warm oven. I gave them some sliced chicken the other day, and I would like to give them some more. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX