William 23rd October 2019

Good morning brave Topsy. I looked out there into the garden for Percy and Jenny when I went back downstairs yesterday little girl, but I did not see them, and my poor Mum did not see them either. I was so tried yesterday that I cannot remember much of what happened, all I can remember is that old trollop that sounds like a drunken Daffy Duck arriving at the smelly old swampy swamping house… first it was out there in the lane cackling and snorting, and then it went out there to the back. I do not know if it started wailing and singing, I put those waxy earoley thingies in my ears, and could not hear a thing. I was so tired when I got into bed, and I must have fallen asleep straight away, I think that I only woke up once, and that was when Molly woke me by jumping on the bed, and wowing at me. It was still very early, so I pulled the duvet over my heed, and then next thing that I knew, I had overslept by forty minutes. When I got down to the kitchen, it was still to dark to see if there was any cats out there in the garden, and there was another great big pile of cardboard slung down there by the garden doors… I only put a big pile of it out yesterday morning. When I went back down to make some tea, I had a look out there in the garden, but I did not see Percy or Jenny… I will have another look when the ogress has gone trundling off out, I just might have a chance to feed them, but I doubt it. It is still dark now, I can just about make out the keys on this keyboardy thing… looks like there is going to be more rain today. I do hope that Percy and Jenny do not go sheltering under nasty old dirty filthy cars again, poor Percy had a big black mark on his back yesterday morning. I cannot think of much else to tell you little girl, I might me more chatty tomorrow. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX