William 22nd October 2019

Good morning brave Topsy. The day before yesterday is a bit of a blur for me little girl, and I had trouble with my computers yesterday, so I could not tap anything down until late in the evening. I had a awful night the night before last, I was awake very early again, so I got up and staggered down there to the kitchen. It was still far to dark for me to look out there into the garden, so I made my dopey daft self a mug of coffee, and got back up here before I got in someone's way. I wanted to leave here earlier than I did, but I was shoved out of the way, and when I eventually left here, it started to rain… I got a good soaking going into town, and another good soaking coming back here, and I did not see Percy or Jenny when I got to the big old gates. I had to go back out again, and when I got back here, I had just enough time to put all of the shopping away before I had to get out of the ogresses way, I did not even have time to get a mug of coffee and something to eat. The ogress went trundling out of here earlier than she usually does, so I was hoping that I could get down to the kitchen to get a mug of coffee and a bowl of those nutty cornflakey things… but of course, I could not get down there. I had to wait almost five hours to get down there to the kitchen, and that was just so I could cut some salad for my egg rolls, the ogress came slithering up before I went down there, and then I had to get back up here out of her way so that she could come down again. I was hoping for a good sleep last night, but of course, I did not… I kept waking up every hour for a drink, I do not know why I was so thirsty. When I woke this morning, I had overslept by twenty minutes, and when I got downstairs there was yet another great big pile of cardboard to go out there to the bins. When I opened the garden doors, poor Percy came running in, his back was black with dirt where he had been sheltering from the rain under nasty old dirty scary cars. As I went out there into the garden, George came running up, and Jenny flew into the kitchen… when I got back into the kitchen with George, I got them some food. I opened four packets onto the big plate, two onto the big saucer, added a load of biscuits, put Percy and Jenny by the garden doors, and George over there by the scary old washing machine. While they were eating, I cut up more cardboard, there was so much of the stuff, they had finished eating before I had finished cutting the cardboard up. I let them back out, took cardboard to the bins, finished cutting the cardboard, washed up, and got back up here before I got in the ogresses way. It was still early, but I have gotten in her way earlier than that before. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX