William 27th September 2019

Good morning brave Topsy. The cat food finally arrived yesterday, I was very surprised that they actually delivered it to the correct address, and I think there is enough food there until the month after next. I think that it rained yesterday, I cannot be sure, but if it did, it was not enough to let Percy and Jenny in, which was just as well, as it was very busy in the kitchen, and poor Percy would have been getting in the way… I am hoping that I can feed them today, but I doubt that the ogress will allow me to. She is supposed to be going trundling off out, but will probably wait until I go downstairs just before midday, before insisting that I am out of her way before she goes waddling off somewhere. I did not have a very good night little girl, and I was awake very early again this morning… I have just realised that it might be worry, as I have been so worried about my poor Mum, I think that I will take something before I get into bed that I hope will knock me sideways for the night. I am so knackered that I canno think of anything else to tell you little girl, I was the same with Charlie. We do love you Topsy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX