William 27th May 2019

Good morning Top Tops. I managed to feed Percy, Jenny, and George yesterday, but all at different times… I fed George after I had let Percy out through the big scary old door, and I was not able to feed poor Jenny until last evening, and she was absolutely starving. Those bow-legged lunatics will keep her locked in, but will not feed her, just laughing at her when she meows for food, just as that evil old swamp-witch laughed at poor Molly when she was being attacked by tom cats. Cackling and snorting away like an obese walrus she was, leaving poor Molly out there to be attacked, that is why like Charlie and you, she decided to come to this house for warmth, food, and love. Of course, lots of other cats come here for warmth, food, and love, but they cannot stay… though we would love them to stay, we just cannot afford to feed them as much as they want feeding. We spent over £400 in a month feeding Molly and her kittens when they were here, that is why we had to give them up to the RSPCA. I was looking through my photos a few days later, when I came across one that I had taken of Molly, and I just had to ask for her back… I did not expect them to allow me to have her back, but a nice lady came around to see us, and said that we could have her back, and I was so relived. I love and miss Charlie so much, but Molly seemed to take some of the pain away, I did not think that another cat would want to know me, and after loosing your baby Jojo, and then fifteen years later Charlie, I did not know what to do. It is very quiet out there this morning, I have not even heard that beautiful blackbird, but I have not opened the window because of swampy lunatics, and nasty old bow-legged wasps. It seems a very long time since I have not heard the mad jabbering's of a mad mini swamp-witching thing, but I suppose that it has not been more that two weeks. I do not know if I will be able to come on here this evening little girl, if I cannot, I should be back tomorrow morning. We do love you Top Tops, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX