William 6th May 2019

Good morning Top Tops. I am sorry about yesterday little girl, I tapped out a load of stuff to you, but as I sent it, it disappearedā€¦ I could not get back what I had sent, and I could not remember any of it either. I have been tapping stuff out to you, and then putting it on here, but dopey daft me somehow forgot to do that yesterday, but I do have a good excuse, I was awake very early yesterday morning. My poor Mum was awake as well, those buck-toothed lunatics had a party on Saturday night, and their bongo music did not stop until about five, and my poor Mum got no sleep. Seeing as dopey daft me is right at the back of the house, I did not hear a thing, as they were at the front of their raggerty old swampy place, but I do remember hearing that mini swamp-witching things great big cakehole late on Saturday, and I had the windows shut then. Its great big squawking gob was going so much, that I had to leave the kitchen, and get back up hereā€¦ at least I had all those trees near the big window to block all of its big rubbery cakeholing out. I hope that the same thing does not happen this year what happened last year, it almost drove me crazy. From half eight in the morning until gone ten at night its great big rubbering cakehole was going, I do not know how it kept going for so long, and then I looked to see if anyone else had a big gobbed mini swamp-witching thing bothering them. One person had the same as we had, but it was happening during the night, and like us, they could not complain, as things happened like we had happen to us. Fireworks put through the letterbox and all that. As with Charlie, I cannot think of what else to tell you little girl, and I do not know if I will be able to come on here this evening. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX