William 28th March 2019

Good morning Toppy. I could not feed the cats just before midday yesterday, even though the ogress had gone trundling off early. I could only stay down there in the kitchen long enough to make my poor Mum and dopey daft me some tea, and then I had to get back up here out of the way. It was terribly noisy out there yesterday, and I was hoping that today it would be quiet, but I was wrong. I was awake very early this morning little girl, and an old dog was out over the back there barking before the little birds started with their beautiful twittering and tweeting. When I got down to the kitchen, there was a big bag of bottles to go out to the bins, a load of cardboard, and a big pile of newspapers and magazines from the ogress, so I thought that I might as well take them out to the bins. When I opened the garden doors, I was expecting to get trampled on by a herd of cats, but there was none there, but as I went to shut the garden doors, George came galloping along like an old moose, and I almost shut her in the garden doors. As I was putting stuff in the bins, Percy and Jenny came clambering over the big old fence, and were climbing up the garden doors. Before I let them in, I unlocked the big old gates to go and see if the Burmese cat was waiting by the big scary old door, but she was not there. I looked out there in the front gardens as well, but she was not there either... Percy and Jenny had followed me round, and were meowing and crying as they trotted along beside me. When I got back round, they came into the kitchen with me, but I had to leave George outside, I made sure that Percy and Jenny had a good feed, then let them out so I could feed George, but I must have given her too much, as she left a load of biscuits on the big plate... that is only the second time that I have stomached her. I let her out, washed up, got back up here to Molly, and sat down to start tapping away to Charlie. It had gone quiet again, and I was enjoying the beautiful little birds chirping away. Of course, that did not last for long, as that mini human thingy with the great big screaming squawking cakehole somehow got out, and was running up and down the lane screaming it spoilt little head off. I do not know how long it lasted for, but it had stopped by the time that I went back down to the kitchen to make some tea. I went out there into the garden to look for the Burmese cat, but she was not out there. There were no cats out there, usually George would have come barging along, but nothing was there. It was just as well that the Burmese cat was not out there, as I had to get back up here out of the ogresses way anyway. It is quiet now little girl, but as I said to Charlie, it will not last for long. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX