William 3rd March 2019

Good morning Toppy. I am sorry that I was not on here last evening little girl, the connecty thingy to here was not working again, I suppose the same thing will happen this evening. I got down to the kitchen early yesterday to feed the cats, George had been howling like a wolf, but I was not going to feed her with the other cats, she is to greedy, so she could wait until they had finished. There was a load more bottles, tins, and cardboard to go out to the bins, and when I opened the garden doors, the Burmese cat and Percy came galloping in... there was no sign of George anywhere. As I was putting the cardboard into the bin, Jack came running down the garden, and Jenny came running along. When I opened the garden doors, Jenny and Jack ran in, and there was George sat there in the kitchen. I do not know how she managed to get past me, so I picked her up to put her back out until the others had finished, and she bit my thumb. If she was not so greedy, I would not have to put her back out, I put six packets of food onto the big plate, and if I do not watch her, she will eat most of it... she reaches over to gobble down Percy and Jenny's bit of food when hers has gone. I cannot remember how many packets I opened on the big plate yesterday, six or eight, and Jack had one packets with a load of biscuits. The big plate was cleared first, and when I went to put the Burmese cat, Percy, and Jenny out, George came leaping in over the top of them... she soon went back out, I cannot believe that she bit me. Jack took his time to finish, and then he had some cream... he looked in a right state, filthy, and big clumps of fur cut from his coat. Whoever is looking after him, they are not doing a very good job. I have to go into town early tomorrow little girl, and when I get back, I have to go to another town. If the connecty thing is working, I shall be back on here tomorrow evening, and this evening too. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX