William 24th February 2019

Good morning Toppy. I could not feed the cats yesterday because that evil old swamp-witch was out there in the smelly old swamp puffing and bellowing on one of her dirty old smelly pipes. The stench was unbelievable, and I do not know if the evil old tripehound was watching me or not, so I am going to try to feed the cats when I am allowed back down to the kitchen just before midday. Molly woke me up this morning, thankfully it was not early, I had overslept by about fifty minutes, and when I got down to the kitchen, a greedy fat selfish odd pig-eon had just landed by the big bucket of seed. I scared the big lump away, and noticed a little blue-tit at one of the candley birdfood thingies, the coconutty birdfood thingies have been pecked clean, I am sure that I had more, but there are none. Some more are coming in a few days, so I will hang them out there as soon as I can. There is a beautiful blackbird out there in one of the trees, and it is making a beautiful sound. It was out there earlier, but them at that big old shouty slammy house scared it away with their loud noises. Thankfully, it is nice and quiet now, all I can hear is a nasty old scary car whizzing by on the nasty old scary road now and again. I am feeling a lot better today little girl, my shoulder does not hurt so much, and I can cough and yawn without it hurting so much. Best of all, I can take a deep breath without it hurting so much, and it did hurt very much. I am hoping to be allowed down to the kitchen just before midday, as I am very hungry, and would like an egg sandwich, though something is bound to happen to stop me. We do love you Toppy, we love you so much little girl, and we do miss you, we miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX