William 12th February 2024

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about not coming on here to you little girl, I have only been on here to Charlie and Molly once or twice since my poor Mum passed away. I have come on here to you today, as it is the twenty-fifth year since you had your beautiful babies, JoJo, Katie, Whisky, Billy, and Tiger, though you lost Billy and Tiger after a few days. That paw treading, tail stomping, evil old ogre forced my poor Mum to give Whisky away, as he did not like tomcats, and a year late, poor JoJo was taken. Three years later, Katie was taken, she had the same complaint as JoJo, her little heart was weak. The same thing happened to Girl, and then Molly, almost fourteen months ago… it will be fourteen months ago tomorrow. I have to go into town now little girl, I have a lot to do this week, and I do not know when I will come on here to you all again, probably in three days time. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX