William 10th February 2024

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry for not coming on here little girl, what I am going through right now is worse than anything that I have ever bern through, and I am not coping very well. I was hoping that everything would be back to normal by now, and I would be writing to Molly, Charlie, Tiddles, and you every day… but I do not have a clue when that will be happening. I cannot think of much to tell you little girl, except for after a lifetime of hating me, and telling me that it wished that I was dead, something is now wanting to hug me all the time. It is very weird, it is like that evil old ogre is being nice to me, and after all the beatings that it got me, and the times it got me thumped and sent to my room, I find it very strange. I am sorry little girl, I am very tired, and I just want to rest for a while, I will come on here to you when I can next week. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX