William 30th December 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. My poor Mum has been in hospital for eleven days now, and she is getting better, since she left that other place, the ignorant, woolly-headed odd carers could not be bothered to do the jobs that they are paid for. They were leaving notes for my little sister to turn our poor Mum every two hours, yet as soon as they come ignorantly barging in, they tell her to get out of the room… as ignorantly as they can, they do not even ask politely. I have been walking for over three hours a day, which is half what I was walking to that other place, but I am walking up the stairs over one-hundred times a day. When I got there for the first time last week, there was an annoying old crow in the bed next to my poor Mum, and she did not stop gobbling. Even when they came round to ask my poor Mum what she wanted to eat, the old crow would want the same, it was like having that evil old ogre around again, only he would take my Mum’s food. She was supposed to go home the next day, but something went wrong with, and she stayed for another seven days. Each time I went to see my Mum, that old crow would turn her awful music on, or she would be gobbling, laughing, or butting in to what I was saying to my Mum… just as with that evil old ogre. I went to see my poor Mum seven days in a row, then two days ago I had to go into town for shopping, and that is the day when the rubbish blokes usually come, but not this week. I cannot remember what time I got back from shopping, but it was too late for me to go to see my poor Mum, and I had a difficult time carrying the shopping home anyway. I had four bottles of Vimto in my backpack, six tins of cream, and other stuff, and I have just remembered something from when I went and got the Vimto. Right in front of where the bottles of drink that I wanted had bern put, some odd human had left a great, heavy boxy thing… I could just squeeze one bottle out. Everything else was clear, but the stuff I wanted had been blocked, that is how things go for me. I had to struggle back here with that heavy backpack, and four heavy, awkward bags, and one bag with Georges food in, kept banging against my leg with that lump. I had an appointment at the hospital three evenings ago, so they could do whatever it is that they are going to do. Of course, it was not at a time to suit dopey me, I would have had to leave here just as I am having my dinner. I would have been lucky to be back here by two hours to midnight, and with something in the kitchen with the scary kitchen door slammed shut, I would not have bern able to get anything to eat, or get a hot drink. That is if I had got back here at all, as there are loads of ignorant, woolly-headed odd things hanging around the hospital. Just after I had left my poor Mum six days ago, one jumped out on me wanting money, it was if it was waiting, I am glad other humans were around. Had I come staggering along at that time of night, I hate to think what would have happened. I have another appointment in three weeks time, at a better time in the early morning. When I went to see my poor Mum yesterday, that annoying woman had gone home, but she had been replaced by an even more annoying old crow, and she was always gobbling as well. When something went to see our Mum the day before, she asked it if it had any sandwiches, I would never think of asking that. They are served four meals a day there, and can have cakes, biscuits, and cups of tea… they get more in a day, than I get in four. I could not stand her jabbering, and had to go for walks, two days before I had to leave early because of the other old crow, and I had to leave early yesterday because of this one, though not as early. I fed George when I got in, but that tiny black and white cat was not out there, though I had fed her that morning… I kept looking for her, but she did not come. When I got home the other day, she came in when I fed George, when George went out, I took her into a room where my sister was, and fed her. I laid down on the settee, and when she had finished eating, she came and laid on my chest, and let me scratch her ear. I kept accidentally touching her side, which she did not like, and went for me, then she got down, and bit my sister. She got a big thump on her side for doing that, and I could not get to her quickly enough to save her. I had to let her out, and she is not allowed in the house again, but I have been feeding her when I can… she is also pregnant again. I have bern looking out for her this morning, but have not seen her. I feel absolutely awful little girl, but I have to go and see my poor Mum tomorrow, I am only here today because the rubbish blokes came today instead of two days ago. I cannot think of anything else to tell you little girl, I will try to get back on her in five days time. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave, precious little girl. XxX