William 24th November 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I have had an awful few days little girl, I feel so bad, I have only been able to visit my poor Mum twice so far this week, but I did walk over fifty miles in those two days. I could not get up at four hours past midnight the day before yesterday, I was so shattered, I could hardly move, and when I woke up again, it was fifteen minutes before I used to get up at, and I was still tired. I just stayed up here sat in this chair after I had fed George, I just felt awful. All I wanted to do was stay up here, as I could hardly move, and it was not much to ask, but my sister went on and on and on at me until I went downstairs, and stayed there all afternoon, in pain. I came back up here in the early evening, snd collapsed into this chair. I felt so awful, I forgot to finish this off yesterday when I got back from town, and did not realise until last night, and by then, I was falling asleep in front of the telly. I did not even write anything out for poor Tiddles. I felt so awful, I went to the chemist for help, seeing as they cannot be bothered at the doctors. I called them last week when I got back from the vets, but they could not see me until the beginning of next month, I only have to wait two more weeks. The chemist helped me, as they know how bad the doctors are, but my I was fine, so it must be exhaustion, even though I had rested. After that, I staggered into town to get some shopping, and I had to get a lot, my backpack was heaving. I also had six very heavy, very awkward shopping bags to carry back, and I have a lump on my leg, right where the shopping bags kept banging against. Just the slightest knock, and I almost fell over, it felt as if I had pins and needles in my foot, how I managed to get back here, I do not know, but it took ages little girl. I forgot to buy those Whiskas crunch that you all like, even George likes them, Sakura loves them as well… she came in twice for food yesterday, and seems to like me as well. When I usually get back from shopping, I put it away, and go back out again, yesterday, I had to sit down for a while before doing anything. Just as I sat down, my phone ran, and it was a bloke from the home where my poor Mum is, she just wanted to know how I was, and told me not to visit today… I do not think I could have got past the vets, let alone walk twenty odd miles. My poor Mum should have been home yesterday, but the lying odd humans said that last week as well. I am so tired, but after getting into bed late last night, I fell asleep, and woke up every hour for five times. I woke up just after I used to get up, but I felt so bad, I just wanted to stay there… then I remembered poor George, who I had usually fed over three hours beforehand. I got up, and when I opened the window, I heard George crying loudly, so I got downstairs quickly, opened the garden doors, and gave her a good feed. I thought that George would stay in, as it was cold, but no. She wanted to go out as soon as she had eaten, and I did not want to force her to stay inside, not after what she has been up to just lately. After I let her out, I got up here with my coffee and a few biscuits, and started writing… that was over three hours ago, and I have not started on poor Tiddles yet. If I feel like this tomorrow little girl, I do not know what I shall do, but I will try to come on here to you all. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave, beloved little girl. XxX