William 22nd October 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry little girl, I meant to come on here to you after I came away from Charlies page, but I went on to poor Percys, as yesterday was a year since I last saw him. He went out of the garden doors with blood running down his leg, and I did not see him again… I tried to get help for him, but instead of lying, I told the vet the truth. I told her that poor Percy belonged to that evil old swamp-witch, even though we had been feeding him, and the others for ten years. She could not touch him without the owner saying so, and I do not know where I could have found the money anyway, poor Tiddles operation cost just over £1,299, and as with poor Charlie and you, it came back. I am sure that you had the same operation as Charlie and Tiddles little girl, I shall have to look it up. I got wet walking to see my poor Mum the day before yesterday little girl, there was a lot of rain during the night, flooding, and great big nasty old scary puddles. I was so tired, after walking less miles than I used to, that I almost fell off the chair, so I did not go yesterday or today. Of course, that got me in somethings way, I was in its way when I got up at seven yesterday and today, the same as I am in its way when I get up at half three and four when I am visiting my poor Mum. It is after an argument, which it will not start until my little sister has done its washing, ironing, and cooked its great big fried breakfasts for it. My little sister has done the washing and ironing, and she is cooking its great big breakfasts now, so the spoilt coo will be opening it great, manky-toothed mouth as soon as it has shovelled all that down. I would not do anything for it little girl, it is a femaleish version of that evil old ogre, and I would rather starve than cook for it. When my little sister cooks for our poor Mum, it will sit there, demanding to know where its food is, and it will keep on and on until my poor Mum gives it hers. It will then eat that, and because it was only a small plateful, want more. It will get an argument going within a day of our poor Mum coming home, whenever that big-nosed, interfering council allows it that is. I cannot remember asking them for help with our Mum, though I do remember asking for help with those swamp-things, who were making our lives a bigger misery than that thing and the evil old ogre were doing, and the council called us lying troublemakers. George stayed in almost all day yesterday little girl, only going out when I made two cheese and pickle sandwiches for my dinner… something has that, just to take its tablets with. George came back in just before I came up here to watch some telly, there was a load of old rubbish on though. She stayed in until after I had been down there one last time last night, and had got out the way. I was very tired, but after I had fell asleep, something woke me up, and I could not get back to sleep. I had an awful night little girl, I was going to see my poor Mum today, and I was awake at the usual time, but I was so tired, I could hardly move. I went back to sleep, but kept waking up, and finally got up at the same time that I did yesterday, though I had not slept half as much. When I got down there to the kitchen, I filled the kettle, opened the garden doors, and poor George came running in… I shall be opening the garden door three hours earlier in the morning. Of course, I was in somethings way, so I fed George, got a wash, brushed my teeth, made my coffee, let George out, cleaned up, got some biscuits from the fridge, and got up here out of its snorting way. I had to go back down there about half an hour to see if George wanted to go out, and then again half an hour later… I wanted to wash my mug too. That got me in its way again, and it flew off up the hallway like a deranged, cartoony tasmanian devil, with all the grunts and snorts. I just spoke to George, and got out of that things stinking way yet again. That was almost three hours ago, and I will be lucky if I can get down there by an hour past midday. I will not be able to write to Charlie and you next weekend little girl, as I am to going to see my poor Mum, even if I could not do that, I would have to get out of that things way anyway. It has been getting snortier and snortier in the six weeks since I was ill, and if I stayed home another weekend, it would start an argument. I am in its stinking way as much as I was in that evil old ogres way, it has even said almost the same words to me. He said that he hated me so much, he wished that I had never been born, and it said that it hated me so much, it wished that I was dead… they both said the same thing to my little sister too. I have wittered on too much again little girl. I love you TopTops, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much, you beautiful, brave, beloved little girl. XxX