William 19th October 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry that I have not been on here to you for three days little girl, but I have to leave here so early, and walk for over three and a half hours. I have been shoved out of the way this week, so that is another three hours of walking around, and then there is the two hours it takes me to walk home… I have been very tired this week little girl. Six days ago, I got wet in the morning, but it was so hot in the afternoon, I walked home in a t-shirt. At the start of this week, it was so cold, I had to wear a hoodie, and it was so cold at my poor Mum’s place, I had to keep it on. I asked them if they would give my poor Mum a duvet, and they said that they would, but all she got was an extra blanket, it is like having that evil old ogre around. It was so cold, George did not want to go out, so she stayed in for as long as she could before I had to put her out. I have been so tired, I have bern falling asleep sitting here on an evening little girl. I hoped that I would be able to have a good nights sleep last night, seeing as I was so tired, and did not have to get up so early this morning. Of course, last night, I had an awful night, I could not get to sleep, no matter how hard I tried, and I was awake at the usual time this morning. I managed to get back to sleep, but woke again just before half five, and I had to get up, as I had to take somethings great pile of rubbish around to the front of the house. Poor George came running in as soon as I had opened the garden doors, and I fed her as soon as I could. She was still in when I left to get my dopey heed shaved, and after I had finished there, I went to collect poor Tiddles medicine, and bought her another catnip toy. I then staggered off into town to hopefully get stuff that I wanted, but stopped off to see my poor Mum’s friend who loves animals as much as we do… she has had something awful happen to her. I was only talking with her for about fifteen minutes, and when I left, it was absolutely pouring down… what a great big woolly surprise little girl. I went to try and but the smoked cheese that I like, but no, for the third week running, it was not there, so I went to but a big jar of coffee that I like, but big surprise, that was not there either, just small jars of decaf. I got most of the stuff that I needed, but not having the cheese or the coffee really did my head in, they had Vimto, but I could not carry it. As I staggered back here, I am so tired that I cannot remember if it rained or not, I struggled with a big heavy backpack, and four, heavy, difficult, awkward bags, and when I got through the big scary old door, the sun came out. When I went into the kitchen, George was still in, but she was scared of the scary old washing machine, so I let her out. She will be back in for her afternoon feed in a couple of hours time, and she can stay in until tonight… she stayed in until late last night. It was pouring down when I went down there one last time, so something let her out when it had stopped. I am sorry that this is short little girl, and I have told my poor Mum that I will be seeing her this weekend, so it could be a week until I am on here again, it is the same for poor Charlie too. I love you TopTops, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave, beloved little girl. XxX