William 15th October 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry little girl, I meant to come on here to you yesterday, but I was so tired that I forgot. I was so tired, I could not even get up at the usual time to visit my poor Mum, I could not move, and did not get up until just after I used to. When I got down there to the kitchen, I let George in, gave her two packs of meat in gravy, and went to let her out when she had finished. That tiny black and white cat was there though, so I let George out at the big scary old door. I let the tiny cat in, and gave her a golden tin of chicken in gravy with a few of Tiddles biscuits on top… she cleared the plate. When I went to let her out at the garden doors, George was there, so I had to let her out at the big scary old door, then go to see what George wanted. She came in, ate what was on the floor, then went out… of course, I was in the way, so I had to get back up here with my coffee and a few biscuits. I had to wait until almost an hour after midday before something left. When I got down there, I was feared in case it came slithering back through the big scary old door, came barging in the room, and caught me down there as it dud before. It had already come slithering back, and gone barging in a room, where it had caught my little sister daring to have a cup of tea and a few biscuits… we are not even scowled at with them, but it can stuff its greedy fat face with piles of anything it wants. Thankfully, it did not come back to ruin our afternoon. I sat down there with my little sister and Tiddles until it was time for me to get something to eat, then I came up here. There was nothing to watch on the telly, so I was going to write stuff down, but I was so tired, I kept falling asleep, and wrote nothing down at all. After I had been down there one last time, and had heard that newfangled creature from the swamp, screaming like nothing I had heard before, I got into bed. I was as tired as I was the night before little girl. I was awake early again, but could not move, and did not get up until the same time as yesterday, and it was very cold. I had to call poor George when I opened the garden doors, and I gave her two packs of meat in gravy, and two packs of chicken bites in breadcrumbs, and she ate the lot. There was no sign of that tiny cat though, maybe I will see her later. It was so cold, that George did not want to go out, and had already jumped up onto Charlies chair by the scary old washing machine. I gave George one last chance, and let her stay, but I had to let her out at three hours before midday. When something would go barging in there for its pre-breakfasts gobblings of biscuits and cakes, it would not want poor George there, no one is allowed to go in the kitchen while it is there, just the same as we were not when that evil old ogre was in there, helping himself to our little bits of food, as well as his own. I got down there one morning to find he had eaten all of my corn flakes. That was on top of whatever else he had shovelled down, I have also had my bread, rolls, cheese, and butter grabbed and gobbled down before. When I would have a go at him, I would be bellowed at that he was still hungry, though it did not matter that I had to go without so he could fill his big, gluttonous, odd greedy guts… which is one of the names that he called me. As soon as something leaves, I will see if poor George wants to come back inside, but if she starts, she will have to go out. I will be out of here early tomorrow morning little girl, I will be in the way as soon as I go down there around four hours past midnight, so I will not be able to write to you for another four days, I am sorry little girl. Those interfering, big-nosed odd council sdratsab will not allow our poor Mum to come home until they are satisfied with our house, and I am getting so sick of them. We begged them for help with those swamp-things, but we were called liars and troublemakers. They also were responsible for making our poor Mum’s life miserable, by saying that she lied about a back injury that she got while working for then as a nurse. It took ten years to get money out of them, and when she did get the money, that evil old ogre spent it all on himself, his mates, and assorted old trollops. They also made my little sisters and my life even worse than they already were, by calling us liars and troublemakers when we complained about being bullied at school. I hate them little girl, and of course, when they were told about that evil old ogre, they did not believe that either. I have gone on enough about that evil old ogre little girl, if I carry on, I will be here all day. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave, beloved little girl. XxX