William 9th September 2023

Good morning beautiful TopTops. I left here to stagger into town as early as I could yesterday little girl, but it was already so blisteringly hot by then. It was so nice to get into the nice cold shop, and it was only then that dopey me noticed that I had my t-shirt on inside out. I had to find somewhere to hide so that I did not scare anyone while I turned it the right way round, and when I had, I went and got the shopping. Of course, I did not get everything that I needed, as I was still feeling bad. I managed to remember three bottles of Vimto and six tins of cream, which I had in my backpack, and three awkward bags. Staggering back here was almost as awful as it was when I walked home from taking a short-cut through the cemetery three days ago. If I had not soaked myself with water from those fountains, I do not think that I would have made it. I did not think that things could get any worse, then as I came down the lane, I saw a herd of swamp-things closing it off. I knew what the inbred, three-armed, psychotic lunatics were up to, and just around midday, one of their inbred family orgies started. Wide-legged, knock-kneed, bow-legged old trollops were arriving all afternoon, it was not long before the leader of all the old trollops, that evil old slappering swamp-witch, started with its cackling. I was waiting for a new scary old vacuum cleaner to be delivered, and with all the noise, I thought I might miss the knock, then I knew when it would be coming. The noise up here was absolutely awful, but I somehow managed to feed poor George at the time I usually feed here when I am here. The only place where I could not hear those retarded lunatics was in the hallway, on the stairs, and on the landing… it was absolutely awful in here. I was not going to give the psychotic lunatics the satisfaction of having to close the big old window, so I stayed out there. My little sister got me to come down to the room furthest away from the stinking swamp. It was all right for a few minutes, then a herd of the lunatics came pouring out the front, taunting, screaming, squawking, and laughing… how the web-footed psychopaths knew I do not know. I suppose that the same mutations that allow them to see in pitch-black, allow them to know where human beings are moving around. The big old telly had to be turned on, and the sound turned up, and we could still hear the moronic imbeciles, it was the worst it has been for over three years. I was dreading going into the kitchen to make a couple of sandwiches, I had a look where the vacuum cleaner was before I went down there, it was nowhere in sight. The noise was even worse out there when I got in the kitchen, then just as I was buttering the bread, there was a knock on the big scary old door. I did not shout or swear, I just went quickly to answer, but there was no angry, ignorant odd bloke to throw the box at me, it had just been left by the big scary old door. Then I noticed that one of the drunken swamp-things, or filthy old trollops had parked a nasty old scary car right near our gardens, any further, and it would have been on top. I was even angrier now, I went and made my sandwiches quickly, then got up here with them, turned the telly up loud, and tried to eat. I was starving, I had only eaten two sandwiches and half a bowl of corn flakes all week, but I still could not eat all of the last half a sandwich, and had to throw it away. Lately, I usually fall asleep after eating, but seeing as I had not walked as far as I usually do, I did not expect it, especially with those lunatics out there. I am usually late giving poor Tiddles her chicken soup, but last evening, I was early, and when I got back up here, I even managed to finish watching the telly. The next thing I knew, some homicidal old trollop woke me up with its great big mouth screaming away like an old trollop that had sat on a large bit of fencing. It had just gone past the time that I usually go downstairs one last time with Molly, and the noise out there was even worse, even though it was far too dark to see anything. I was still very tired, but I could not get into bed, not with those retards out there, and the heat. The noise was so bad, it was well over an hour before I could get into bed, and I had those wax earplugs shoved deep in my ears. Even with the new, not so scary old fan on, was still hot, and I had to lay on top of the bed. I only had to get up a couple of times for a drink, but I do not know what kind of night I had yet. I woke up at around the usual time that I get up at, four hours past midnight, but I managed to get back to sleep, and woke up almost two hours later. It was around the time that I am usually leaving here to walk to see my poor Mum, and poor George was crying loudly at me when I opened the garden doors, so I fed her first, then put a load of chicken out for the cats. When George had finished, I let her out at the big scary old door, and then went to see if any cats were at the chicken. There was a tiny black and white cat there, who let me make a fuss, but it did not bother with the chicken. I came back in, and got up here out of the way with a mug of coffee… I did not bring biscuits, as I needed to write to Molly first, they would have melted in this heat, even that early. I still cannot believe that I could not drink anything for almost two days little girl. My little sister has not long told me that those delinquent, psychopathic, retarded lunatics were out there in the stinking old swamp, and out the front there in the lane until it was well gone midnight. This morning, around the time that I was getting up, a squawking, miniature, next generation of psychotic lunatics was out there in the lane making as much noise as it could, though I did not hear the gurgling imbecile right back here. Nasty old scary cars sometimes come racing along there on early mornings, I have almost been hit when I leave here, so who knows what might happen. I have managed to write a lot to Molly, Charlie, and little you today little girl, I have not been able to do that for a very long time. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much too, you beautiful, brave, beloved little girl. XxX