William 3rd August 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. As I said to Charlie, I am sorry that it has been another week since I came on here to you both, but it takes me almost two hours to walk home from the new home that my poor Mum is in, I have to walk around for half an hour when I get there, and I have to leave my poor Mum’s room as many times as I had to leave the ward at the hospital. In the past week, I have been walking almost twenty miles a day, and I am very, very tired. Of course, it has not got me any more sleep, I am still waking up just after four hours past midnight, and have to be out of somethings way two hours later. At least I got a lay in this morning, I woke up less than an hour before I used to get up, but I still could have done with a couple of more hours in bed. I got the day right for taking poor Tiddles to the vets, and when I saw that nice lady vet, she told me that the lump had gotten bigger. There has been a lot of stuff to make me angry today little girl, the barbers was closed for three weeks, big lumps just stopped right in front of me to look at their phones, I got in somethings way twice, a nasty old scary van almost hit me, and those dastarb foxes have been at Molly’s little resting place again. There are a few more things, but I cannot think of them right now. My poor Mum has to stay in this new rehabilitation center for five or six weeks, then she can come home. That is if something can be bothered to move its rubbish out of the way, if we touch it, it will have a load of its hissy-fits, just as that evil old ogre used to do. I almost forgot to come on here to you today little girl, but I will do again the day after tomorrow, or the day after that, it depends on how I am feeling, as just lately, I just want to collapse. I walked about four hundred and sixty miles last month, but this month will be much more little girl, even with Thursdays off. I thought that we were going to have a nice quiet day little girl, but I have just heard some big-mouthed old trollop out there, and that deranged lunatic was out there a while ago. Just the same old looniness as usual I am afraid little girl. I love you so much TopTops, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave, precious little girl. XxX