William 12th June 2023

Beautiful TopTops. I am sorry again for the past few days little girl, each time I got home, I would write to Charlie, forget about little you, and fall asleep. It has been even worse the past few days, as it has been very, very hot, and walking back from the hospital has been awful, but still not as bad as walking back from that other place would have been. Something went wrong yesterday though, as when I got to that park with all the magpies, it started raining heavily, and I was caught in a huge downpour again. I did not mind this time though little girl, not like three months ago when it was cold, and I had already been soaked about six times in four days. I loved it with the rain pouring down on me, as I was so hot, yet there were a few idiots that had umbrellas with them, and up they went. I had to get a bath when I got home, and I was going to fill the bath with cold water, but I was so tired, I forgot, but I had a good bath anyway. That lunatic and its dementors came out to make as much row as they could, but it rained again. I do not know what kind of night I had little girl, I had to have the new not so scary old fan turned on two, I was awake during the night, and I was awake very early this morning. All I would like would be just a couple of extra hours lay in for a change, I am sure that it would do me the world of good. It was okay walking to the hospital this morning, but my poor Mum is frightened about going back to that home, and I do not blame her. I had to keep leaving the ward, as I did yesterday, and got very tired. I hoped that it would rain again while I was walking home, but that would not be allowed to happen, and it was absolutely awful as I staggered home. There was two black and white cats in the front gardens, one let me stroke it, but the other ran off… George came when I called her though. There was no sign of Thomas, but I was able to feed her this morning, but only with one pack of food, she was gone when I took out a second. Something came crashing through the big scary old door just after I got inside. I had to get up here out of its way, and had just settled down when that lunatic came out with its great big maladjusted mouth. It got stunk by a wasp two days ago, the poor thing, I do not like wasps, but I would not want one going near that thing. I am sorry little girl, but I am still very hot and bothered, I will try to come on here to you tomorrow little girl. I love you Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful, brave, clever little girl. XxX