William 18th April 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry again for yesterday little girl, but I had a terrible stomach-ache, and had just enough time to send a few lines to Molly before I was off again. There was no way that I could visit my poor Mum, but something made sure that it got there, about three hours after I get there. I am sorry that this is short Toppy, but I am almost passing out sitting here, and I feel so awful again. I should be up and working properly again in the next few days little girl, apparently, I need to take a long rest, as I have been overdoing it a lot lately. I am sorry little girl, I will be writing out long messages to you again soon. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX