William 26th March 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I still ached yesterday little girl, and I only remembered last night why… a nasty old scary, quiet car hit me in my knee two days ago, and I did not even hear the blasted thing coming. I was crossing across the path at the bottom of that big old hill, when the blasted thing came slithering along out of nowhere… as what usually happens, but I usually hear the blasted things. I do feel a lot better now, despite another awful night, and being awake very early this morning. Whenever I went down there to see my poor Mum yesterday, something was stuck there waiting for me to get out the way. I was so tired, I fell asleep yesterday morning, afternoon, and evening… and when I went down there to feed George yesterday afternoon, I was in somethings way again. When I went down there to make my noodles, I somehow did something wrong, they tested awful, but I ate them because I was hungry, and that gave me awful stomachache. When I went back down there to give Tiddles her chicken soup, my little sister reminded me that me making the vegetable gravy for my noodles had made her feel hungry. She did the same thing last week, so I gave her some, the same as I have had to do when I have had cheese and onion quiches, and vegetarian cottage pies… I will not be having anything this evening, as she really knows how to make me feel guilty. I have to go without, which is as bad as when that evil old ogre was here. I smell huge breakfasts being cooked for something, but never say how the eggs, fried bread, and piles of mushrooms make me feel hungry, and that is more than eight hours before I am allowed down there to get my noodles. Even more will have been gobbled down by then. I mentioned yesterday afternoon that I wanted to get in bed early last night, as I was very tired… no problem in a normal house, but not in this house, as this house is run by that blasted thing. After I had been down there one last time last night, something was waiting for me to get out of the way, so I got up here as quickly as I could. I sat down to finish watching the telly, and then heard somethings great big mouth bellowing at my little sister. Something had accidentally left our poor Mum in the downstairs bathroom for a few minutes, and she had fallen over. It was bellowing away because my little sister had had a go at it, as it refuses to let us help, even though a nurse has told it to. I was going to call an ambulance, but the first number I called asked stupid questions, and asked me to press stupid numbers, so I swore at it, and called the other number. When I finally got through to them, I was told three times each minute that my call would be answered in about an hour, that made me even angrier, so I gave up, went down there, and picked my poor Mum up myself. By then it was more than an hour after I wanted to get into bed, and I did not get in until it was nearly midnight. I do not know how long it took me to fall asleep, but I was awake twice during the night, and woke up forty minutes before I did on that terrible Tuesday one hundred and three days ago. It was not forty minutes though little girl, as the time had been moved forward an hour during the night. I got up, fed George her three packets of food, Thomas had two, then I had to get out of the way again. I had to get out the way quickly when I went down there to make the coffee as well. I am dreading going down there at midday little girl. At least I will get out of its way tomorrow morning, as I am going for another long walk. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX