William 11th March 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about yesterday and the day before little girl, I was very busy on both days, and just had enough time to come on here to Molly yesterday before I had to go into town, and then somewhere else the day before yesterday. I had just enough time to come on here to Molly yesterday morning before I had to go into town again. When I got back, I had just enough time to come on here to Charlie, before I took Tiddles to see that nice lady vet. When I got back from the vets, I was going to go for a nice long walk, but of course, I had to stop on the way to get more blasted shopping, I spent about £170 on shopping in two days, yet still more was needed, it is worse than feeding George. The day before yesterday I had to buy a certain bag of potato croquettes in a certain shop, a walk that was over eleven miles. As soon as I had got back here and had had put them in the freezer, the whole bag was grabbed back out, cooked, and gobbled down. I had to get another bag of those as well, and something else that took me absolutely ages to find, and when I did, some jabbering odd human female was stuck right in front of it looking for something. She could not find what she was looking for, but instead of moving away, she stood there jabbering… I would have just been barged out of the way. I walked back here as slowly as I could, but I was soon back here, and had not been in five minutes before some idiot bang-bang-banged on the big scary old door. They knocked as loudly, and for as long as they possibly could, I was so angry that I yanked the big scary old door open, grabbed a parcel that cannot be paid for, and slammed the big scary old door. I do not know why humans have to knock so stupidly, but it annoys me so much. I had been feeding George and Thomas, when I got back into the kitchen, George wanted more, and Thomas was crying for more as well… I must be the only one around here that does not get a good feed. George had three packets of food, Thomas had two, and them I had to get back up here out the way. I had the usual noodles last evening, and when I after I had been down there one last time, had just got out of the way when I heard a stinking mouse in one of the traps. I had to go back down there with it, which did not please something very much, but it had to be done. When I got back up here, I was hoping for a good nights sleep… but I did not get one, as there was another stinking mouse. I had an awful night little girl, but when I got up this morning, there was another stinking mouse in a trap… that is three I have caught in three weeks, two in just a few hours. I let that go in the garden, Thomas chased it, and after I had given George her food, took Thomas his… he was eating something halfway down the garden. George had her usual three-course breakfast, and after she had gone out, I got back up here out the way. I got out the way quickly when I made the coffee as well. I was going to go for another long walk, but I have to see to that stinking nest first, maybe I can tomorrow little girl. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX