William 17th February 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. That stinking mouse ruined my evening, as I could not watch the telly because the thieving, filthy odd thing was mooching around. I just sat there with that peppermint spray in my hand, squirting at the blasted thing each time I heard it. I had an awful night little girl, I was awake an hour before I was yesterday, and could not get back to sleep. I had to get up in the end, and George was waiting for another great feed when I opened the garden doors. Thomas was out there as well, so I have him a packet, but George had got through her first one before I had even got myself a mug of tea ready… she is going to have to have less food, as it is costing a lot of money. She has got through almost 120 packets of food in two weeks, with Thomas just having one or two a day, he did have three the other day, but he was missing for one day. I went to order some more food earlier, and some greedy odd human wants more than double the price I paid last time. I cannot do that, it is around the same price that I would spend on food in three months, so George is going to have to cut down. The evil old ogre once said that we would all have to tighten our belts, but what he meant was that we would have to eat less, while he and something else still gobbled down the same, if not more. They came round to wash my poor Mum, so I left at a couple of hours past midday again, it felt like an age before I got into town, where I had to go in that blasted shop for more pies again. When I got home, I fed George and Thomas, then got up here out the way, where that smelly, cowardly, thieving, gobbling thing soon let me know that it was there. I am so tired today little girl, I cannot think of much else to tell you. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX