William 5th February 2023

1:30pm Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry that I am late again little girl, I cannot believe all the interruptions that I am getting today. I was just going to give my poor Mum her yogurt yesterday, when they took her away for a scan, and when they brought her back, I was able to give her the yogurt. I was offered a sandwich, but it was about half an hour before I was going to leave, so like a fool, I said no thank you, as I stupidly thought that I would be eating a bowl of noodles in the evening. I left here at three hours past midday, but I had a limp because I have a blister coming on my foot… how or why I do not know, I have not had one for a very long time, but I still managed to walk 6,330 steps in an hour. I have done more before, but that was when my feet were working properly, I do not know what I will do if my foot gets any worse, I will just have to hop here. When I hobbled into town, I was going to go in the shop again, but changed my mind, as I wanted to get home for a wash. It was very warm yesterday, and all I wanted to do was feed George and that little black cat, get a good scrubbing, then get upstairs out of the way to that cold, empty room. George was crying at the garden doors when I went in the kitchen, and after I had let her in and fed her, I looked for the little black cat. He was not out there though, and after George had finished her third packet, I went to let her out, and there he was. I took him out a saucer of food, then set about getting that good scrubbing. Before I got out of the way, I stupidly asked my little sister if I could get a bowl of noodles at the same time as I had done the evening before… which would have been fine in any normal house. As I was sat upstairs on my own, I thought that I heard some cats fighting, but then realised that it was an old trollop squawking over there at the stinking old swamp. If that was not enough, something was dropping hints to my little sister that it needed feeding again, just before I was going to go down there for noodles. It had already been gobbling all day, but no, it wanted more, and then the screaming and squawking got worse at the stinking old swamp… so thanks to that thing, and those old slappers, I had to go without. I managed to go down there to the kitchen and get a hot drink, but then I had to get out of the way… luckily for me, I had six or eight cookies in a bag in my room, so it was them for dinner again. The noise from those old trollops only got worse, which meant that I had to have the telly turned up loud. It was not long before that bow-legged old trolloping swamp-witch was cackling away, just as the filthy old tart did that night when poor Molly was attacked by all those tomcats. She was terribly frightened, and I could not stand her screaming, so I went out there with a big pan of water to throw around them. I cannot remember what Molly did, but a couple of the toms were Salem and Jack… but how was I to know that. Molly was already close to me then, but after, she got closer. After I had been downstairs for the last time, and had gotten out the way, the screaming old trollops were still at it, and then they started trying to sing, with some big-mouthed bloke had joined in… where they had put that squawking lunatic, I do not know. It got so bad that I had to close the big window, but I could still hear them, so I put those wax plugs in my ears, and that stopped the row. I got into bed later than I did the night before, and to me, it was a lot warmer. I still do not know if I had a good night little girl, but I woke up this morning ten minutes after I did on that horrible Tuesday morning when poor Molly let out that loud scream. When I opened the big window, George was crying, and I let her in as soon as I got down there to the kitchen. George had four packets of food in-between me having a wash, brushing my teeth, getting a mug of tea ready, and something else, though when she had finished, she did not want to go out. I could not let George stay in though, not after what she did three times in a week last month. When I let George out, I was expecting that little black cat to be there, but he was not, so I got upstairs out of the way with my mug of tea and some biscuits. I left much later than I did yesterday, but it was not as bad walking here as I thought it would be, not until I got to the third town anyway. Then I had some idiot who decided to back up his nasty old scary car just as I got there, and then a filthy old scary bus came along. When I got here, my poor Mum had been moved back to the room that she was in five days ago, when I saw the empty space in the ward, I was thinking all sorts of things. I had not been in the room with my poor Mum long, when I had to get out of the way, then when I came back, they had taken her away for an x-ray. I had just settled down again, and what happened… out of the way I had to get once more. I have never been so late with a message to you little girl. I am dreading getting home, I do not know if there will have been an argument, and I do not know if I will even be allowed to have a bowl of noodles this evening… it is not much to ask, especially after something will have made sure that it has had a good feed. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX