William 25th January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about yesterday little girl, I called the bloke who comes round to see my poor Mum, but he said that she was fine. I managed to call a doctor to come round to see my poor Mum this morning, she should be here in about half an hour… something is already patrolling the hallway, getting ready to yank the big scary old door open. I even managed to almost cause an argument this morning, and all I did was to go in a room to see my poor Mum. Something knew that I was coming in there, and went and stood right in the way where I was going, then suddenly went roaring off, and crashed into my sister, that is where I almost caused the argument. I thought that I was depressed enough as it was, but no, I have somehow been made to feel even worse… only in this house could that happen little girl. I am sorry that this is short again little girl, but I now feel so depressed, I cannot think of anything to type down. I have to go into town tomorrow to see how many large noodles that I will be allowed to buy… I am guessing between none and four. I will be back on here the day after tomorrow little girl, though I do have to take Tiddles to see that nice lady vet again. I love you so much Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX