William 23rd January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. As with the past thirty-nine days, yesterday was another horrid day little girl, with me somehow managing to get in somethings way whenever I went down there to the kitchen. At least I managed to feed George around midday and in the late afternoon before I had to get out of the way. George wanted to stay in both times, but after what she did in one week, that will not be happening again for a while. The past few days, dopey me has been going down there to the kitchen earlier on an evening, so I can get my noodles ready, and get out of somethings way even quicker. However, that certain something that wants me out of the way, has decided to be in the kitchen, and waltz around when I go down there, so I have to wait until it decides that I can go in there. It is something that the evil old ogre would enjoy doing to me immensely, especially when I got up for work at five, or even three in the morning. He would rather loose sleep to make my life even more unbearable than it already was with him, and when he did not do it, something else would gleefully take over. I have to take Tiddles to the vet so they can remove her stitches, and I have to be there half an hour before midday… which means that I am going to be in the way yet again, and when I get back with her. I typed out most of Molly’s stuff yesterday afternoon and evening, but I am still running late. I do not like keep having to go to the vets little girl, but my poor Mum cannot do it, and nobody else could be bothered, so I dopey me has to take her. It is always in that same room, and there is bound to be someone who will barge me out of the way from the time I have to be there, even though I get there early. I was barged out the way last week by half an hour, and almost knocked down because that pigging sun got in my eyes just as I crossed a road that hardly any nasty old scary cars come along. I am sorry little girl, I have to be there in an hour, and I have to get changed. Sorry this is short little girl. I love you Topsy, I do love you little girl, and I do miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful, brave little girl. XxX