William 7th January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. That gibbering lunatic set off that annoying smoke-alarm so many times yesterday that I forgot how many, I should have written it down, but I am so confused lately, I do not know what I am doing. I did not have long down there in the kitchen at midday, as I had to get out the way, I cannot even remember if I looked out there for George. I remembered to get a drink ready for the evening, so that I did not have to go down there in the late afternoon, which was just as well. Some bloke came bang-bang-banging at the big scary old door to,fix the drains, he was supposed to be here an hour after midday, but came when it was dark, and it was pitch-black out there by the drains. At least I had remembered to unlock the big old gates so no one had to do it, but of course, no one could be bothered to lock them again. I had to do that when I went down there to get my noodles last evening, and while I was out there, I looked for George, but she was nowhere to be seen. I came back inside, locked the garden doors, closed the curtains, started on my noodles, then there was a great big meow. George waited until then to meow, and she just got louder and louder until I had opened the curtains, unlocked the garden doors, and let her inside. Her loud cries made me raise my voice, I cannot help it little girl, as that brain injury I had has made me hate anything loud. You were only a tiny kitten when I came back here, but you stayed with me until I had started getting better. I gave George another packet of food, then she went and settled down in Percy and Molly’s nest by the fridge, but she did not stay long, and wanted to go out. Something was waiting for me to get out the way, so I had to be quick, but I still managed to get back up here later than usual. When I went down there for the last time last night, I was out the way quickly then as well, and as it was so cold in here, I got into bed… though I do not think I had a good night, I think I woke myself up shouting for Molly. When I got up this morning, I opened the big window, and the nasty old scary wind was blowing around the gardens… I got down to the kitchen quickly, but I still had to call for George. I gave her three packs of food, and got up here out the way, but soon went back down there to see if she was okay. As I was going to go back down there to see her again, I was barged out of the way, and made to wait nearly half an hour before I could get back down there, and George wanted to go out. Of course, I was in the way, as something was waiting to come barging down the hallway, so I had to be quick. However, as with last evening, I did not get out the way quick enough after I had taken my poor Mum her coffee, as I had to get mine, and I looked out there again for George. Thanks to all that, I am running very late this morning little girl, I am sorry. I love you, and I miss you so much Topsy. XxX