William 1st January 2023

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was another day when whenever I went down there to the kitchen, I was in the way, and something was waiting for me to get out of their way. It was bad enough yesterday morning after I had laid poor Molly to rest, but at midday, something was waiting for me to get out of the way so that they could go off out… why it could not have gone out before I went down there, I do not know. I did not hurry though, I looked out there at Molly’s little resting place, then I made the bed. Some idiot was letting off nasty old scary fireworks yesterday afternoon, and in the late afternoon when I went down there to get a drink ready for the evening. A load of them were let off when I went down there to get some noodles for last evening, and when I went down there for the last tike last night, that screaming lunatic was out there in the stinking old swamp. I thought that we were in for another one of their inbred parties, so I made sure that the big window was closed, and put wax earplugs in my ears. I must have fallen asleep quickly, as a load of blasted fireworks woke me, and it was as if they were aimed at our house, even with the big window shut, and me wearing earplugs, I could still hear the blasted things. I was awake early this morning, but managed to get back to sleep, and woke up again about ten minutes before I used to. As soon as I got down there to the kitchen, I let George in, and gave her two packets of food, and then got the coffee ready. George had finished them before I had the coffee ready, and I gave her another two, then got back up here before I got in the way. When I went down there to see if George was okay, she was curled up on Charlie’s chair by the scary old washing machine, and she jumped down, then wanted to go out… and come back in again. When I went down there to make the coffee, George wanted to go back out, and I could not dither around, as something was waiting for me to get out of the way. After I had taken my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, I had one more look, but George was not there, so I got up here out of the way. I keep seeing and hearing Molly crying out on the bed little girl, and seeing her passing away in my hands, it is making me shout out… I cannot help it, it was so terrible to see. I am going to have to call the Blue Cross again. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX