William 23rd December 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I have said the same to Molly and Charlie, but it is so unbelievable, I have to tell little you as well. My poor Mum had not been home a day, when those two started one of their stupid arguments… and of course, it was one of those ones with bellowing as loudly as possible, and doors being slammed as hard as possible as well. I did not dare go down there, as I had one of those horrible headaches, but later on, I heard my sister calling for Tiddles, so I went out there. She was getting very upset, and thought that Tiddles had got out when someone came banging on the big scary old door, but I found her cowering in somethings old cave. Stupid me thought that by handing Tiddles over would make things better, but of course, that was not going to happen, I was suddenly accused of snapping at my sister last week just after Molly passed away, which I cannot remember doing, and would have been rather difficult, seeing as I could hardly talk. I did not want to be dragged into those stupid arguments, so I made sure my poor Mum was okay, then got back up here out of their way. Late yesterday afternoon, evening, and night was truly awful, I had four of those banybel cheeses, and a hot drink for my dinner, and was glad to get into bed last night. I had an awful night, and was awake very early this morning, but somehow managed to get back to sleep for just under an hour. When I got down to the kitchen, it was pouring down, and George flew in when I opened the garden doors. She had six packets of food before wanting to go out just before I made the coffee, but I stayed as long as I could to see if she would come back in, and to see if that tiny black kitten was there. They did not turn up, so I had to get out the way, but I had to go back down there about an hour later to get my washing out of the scary old washing machine… of course, I got in somethings way. I looked out there for George and that kitten, but there was no sign of them, and then someone came bang-bang-banging on the big scary old door. I am glad that I was not in the hallway putting my washing in a bag to take to the laundry, as I would have bern flattened as something came bounding along the hallway and yanked the big scary old door open. Out of the way I had to get once more, and I will probably get the same thing just before midday. I dread to think what is going to happen today little girl, I would like to say that surly it could not be as bad as yesterday, but knowing those two as I do, it will probably be worse. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much too little girl. XxX