28th November 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry about the past few days little girl, but I am leaving here very early to get to the hospital to see my poor Mum. I left here in a rush the other day, and forgot to take my medication, and could not get back in because I had not taken the keys out of the door… I could not knock, because everyone else was still in bed. I spend six or seven hours with my poor Mum, and she can have different food every day, dopey me had forgotten about lunch. I remember my first day at school, and felt terrible, but was told that I would get a free lunch at midday. There would be no nasty old evil ogre to mutter and moan at me for stuffing my face, or to take food off my plate, and when I got home, I excitedly told my grandad that I had a free lunch. I did not know that the evil old ogre was listening, and he went absolutely potty, he was so angry that he forgot where he was, and shouted that his taxes went to feed scum like me… it did not put me off though. I have to leave earlier than normal today little girl, as I have to go for another blood-test, but at least it is at the same hospital where my poor Mum is staying, and she should be coming home tomorrow. Everything should be back to normal in the next few days. I love you Topsy, and I moss you too little girl. XxX