4th November 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. It was absolutely pouring down yesterday morning little girl, but of course, it eased off after I got back from town. There was no sign of poor Percy all day, but George had plenty to eat, she ate more than me, as all I had was some biscuits with my coffee yesterday morning, and some carrot cake last evening. I got out the way quickly last night with Molly, and hoped for a good nights sleep, but that did not happen, as I kept waking up all the time. When I woke up early again this morning, Molly was waiting to get settled down before I had even crawled out of bed. When I got down there and opened the garden doors, I hoped that poor Percy would come running in with George, but he did not, but I left his plate and two packets of food out, in case he did come crying. George had three packets of food, and I let her out with a big lump of ham, before getting back up here out the way… I went back down there to look for Percy, but he still was not there. Molly had the hump with me for some reason, and did not even come to ask me for biscuits, she did not even want to come down there with me when I went to make the coffee. I got out the way quickly, and when I got up here, there she was, waiting behind the chair so she could ask me for some biscuits… she has had two lots already. I am so tired, I am almost falling asleep here, and it is only two hours to midday, and I do not know what I am doing… I will be even worse this afternoon, I keep thinking that it is tomorrow. Sorry little girl, I feel awful. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX