25th October 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. When I heard something slamming the front door yesterday, I was looking forward to some peace and quiet, and when I got down there to the kitchen, I looked out there for poor Percy as soon as I could. There was no sign of him though, and dopey me had forgotten Molly, so I had to come back up here for her. I made the bed, made my poor Mum her tea, and managed to talk to her without any loud snorting’s going off, warning me to get out the way. I got back up here with Molly, and not long after I had sat down, I heard a very loud crash downstairs. It was the kind of sound that you hear when something very large, and very heavy, crashes through a wall… something had come back, and was wanting feeding. I had the same horrible feeling that I got when that evil old ogre would come crashing through the door at any time, and would then want feeding. It was like history repeating itself, and it is a horrible feeling, a feeling that I cannot explain. Of course, I was in the way in the late afternoon when I went down there, but I looked for poor Percy, and George came along, so I gave her ham. I was so worried about Percy, I did not want anything to eat, but by the time I went back down there, and was in that things way again, I was terribly hungry. I had to have a bowl of noodles, but I cannot remember how I felt after I had eaten them… I certainly did not feel happy. I had to get out the way quickly with Molly last night as well. I think I had a good sleep, but as soon as I woke up this morning, I got up, and went downstairs to let poor Percy and George in… they were not out there when I opened the garden doors. George came along as I opened the big gates for Percy, but he did not come, so I left them open while I came back inside to give George her food. I let George out with ham when she had finished, then got back up here out the way. I looked for Percy again when I went down there to make the coffee, but he was not there. I came back up here for Molly, but I had to get out of something’s way even quicker, as it was going trundling to the hospital to have its bloods tested, I am sure that one of them is green, and the other sausage coloured. I asked my poor Mum if it would be timing itself to get back here just before midday so it could barge me out the way, as the evil old ogre managed to do so many times. My poor Mum told me that it said that it was having trouble with its back legs, which is another evil old ogre ruse. I think that it wants my poor Mum to go with it, no one else will, yet it never once went to see her when she was in hospital for two months over Christmas nearly three years ago. Even though my poor Mum is having trouble walking, and falls over because of the old ogre ‘accidently’ falling on her legs, it would still expect her to go with it… it will not be happening though. I will look out there again for poor Percy when I go down there at midday little girl, I do hope that he comes back soon. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX