16th October 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. George was very hungry yesterday, she has not asked for more food for ages, but when I opened the garden doors to let poor Percy out, she came barging in and ate what he had left on his plate. When she had finished, I let her out with a big lump of ham, then got back up here out the way, but she was still crying for more. Seeing as nobody else could be bothered to feed her, she had to wait until I went down there in the late afternoon, and I gave her more ham. I was so hungry by last evening, I had to have a bowl of noodles when I was allowed down there, and I felt a lot better when I had eaten them… of course, something had to go wrong, and it did, as dopey me had forgotten that they go straight through me. I got out the way with Molly as quickly as I could last night, and managed to get to sleep earlier than normal, but of course, I was awake early this morning. When I got down there and opened the garden doors, George came galloping in first. Poor Percy came in straight after, and I gave them their food, then laid against the top… but in just a couple of minutes, George had finished her food, had pushed poor Percy out of the way, and was eating his food. I had to take away Percy’s food, scrape it onto a saucer, and let George out with a big lump of ham. I gave poor Percy his food with a bit more on top, then got up here out the way, as I did not want to somehow manage to get in something’s way, as I somehow managed to do yesterday morning. I went back down to see poor Percy, then when I went down there to make the coffee, I had to let him out, as it is big gobbling day. He wanted to eat some food first, but then I had to let him out, and as I did, George came barging in, and ate Percy’s food again. The only way that I could get her to go out, was to put Percy’s saucer out there, and she probably ate all that as well. I will have to remember to bring it in when I go down there, or something will tread on it with their size thirty-two clodhoppers. Something was waiting for me to get out of its bacon shovelling way when I took my poor Mum her coffee, so up here I got with my mug of coffee, and a few biscuits. It looks as if it is going to be another one of those days little girl. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX