4th October 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Happy 25th birthday little girl. XxX I was feeling more down than ever yesterday little girl, as the date means something special to me, and that evil old ogre hated me even more because of it. I met a girl on that date, and seeing as that evil old ogre hated me for even having friends, he was absolutely furious that girls liked me for some reason. I was always told that girls would have to be desperate, blind, dumb, or all three to want to find something like me interesting. I cannot remember much about yesterday little girl, as I forgot to tap anything down, but even with something not here, I still had to get out the way quickly at midday. In the late afternoon, I had to get out the way even quicker, as something was waiting for a good feed, and by then, I was starving. I had to get a bowl of noodles for the evening when I went down there next, I did not care that something was twitching away on the settee, waiting to come barging down the hallway. It has gobbled down more in a day, than I ate all of last week, but of course, I had to pay for my greediness. The noodles went straight through me, and I was still suffering when I went down there to get out the way with Molly last night, so my head did not hit the pillows until much later than it has been lately. There was a saying that the evil old ogre would say to me, once when I choked on my Sunday dinner that he wanted, he told me that it would teach me not to be greedy. Once he was angry with me for eating my one meal a day, and muttered that I had stuffed my greedy face, when he could have had a second dinner. Of course, I had another awful night, the time was not as I thought it was, and I did not want to get up this morning when I woke up fifteen minutes before I used to get up at. Poor Percy was crying at the garden doors when I got down there, and came in as soon as I opened them. I called for George, who came along after a few minutes, and I gave them their food, let George out with ham when she had finished, gave poor Percy his usual, and got up here out the way. I had to let Percy out when I went back down there to make the coffee, as someone is coming to see my poor Mum today, and he is scared of cats. How anyone can be scared of poor Percy is beyond me, he is the daftest tomcat that I have ever met, and lets me pick him up for cuddles. He has never gone for me, or bit me, and the only time that he has hissed at me is when I have accidentally trodden on his tail or paws. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX