28th September 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. To my surprise, it was quiet again yesterday little girl, it was as if the whole lot of them had suddenly disappeared. Even though it is a wonderful thought, the chance of that happening is about as much chance as me being able to go down there to the kitchen and eat a proper meal five days in a row, and have Yorkshire pudding, roast spuds, and sprouts covered in vegetable gravy on a Sunday. That is normal for everyone else, but for me, it is just a hope. Everything else was the same though, and I had to get out the way whenever I went down there… I had to get out the way so quickly last evening, I did not even have the chance to bring anything to eat up here with me. Something was barging down the hallway before I had the chance to sit down here, and when I went down there to get out of the way with Molly last night, I was back up here even quicker. At least I got in bed early, and was soon asleep, but Molly decided to wake me up. After I had got out of bed to see what she was doing, I had an awful time, and could not believe the time when I woke up this morning. It should have been at least two hours earlier, but no, it was the usual time that I have been waking up at… my eyes are so baggy, I will be tripping up them soon. When I opened the garden doors, there was no sign of poor Percy, but as soon as I opened the big gates, he came along, and came in with me. I called for George, who soon came along. I gave them their food, let George out with ham when she had finished, gave poor Percy his usual, then got out of the way. I went back down there to see poor Percy, then when I took my poor Mum her coffee, something was stuck there waiting for me to get out of its way. I went back down there to the kitchen, gave Percy another packet of food, then got up here out the way once more. I cannot see it being quiet for three days in a row little girl, and seeing that I am already feeling very low, the squawking will probably start around midday. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX