24th September 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I felt a bit better yesterday little girl, even though I had to put up with the same old thing, and then, when I thought that things could not get any worse, that idiot opened its great big screaming mouth. It was screaming and shouting away for over four hours, right up until after it had got dark, and it was such a relief when it finally stopped. I had already had to get back up here out the way last evening with six bakewell slices for my dinner. When I went back down there to get out the way with Molly last night, I had to get out the way even quicker, but at least I got in bed early, and I was asleep quickly. I was woken up around the usual time, and woke up two hours before I used to get up, and I was so tired and dozy, I was going to get out of bed. I went back to sleep, and woke up around the usual time that I have been getting up lately. When I got down there and opened the garden doors, poor Percy ran in, and I called for George. When she came along, I gave them their food, let George out with ham when she had finished, gave Percy his usual, then got up here out the way. I had the same old thing waiting for me to get out the way when I took my poor Mum her coffee, but I went back down there to the kitchen to give poor Percy another packet of food, and then I got back up here out the way. I have only just realised that I did not take my medication when I was in the kitchen this morning, as I had to get out the way so quickly. In any other house, it would not be a problem, but in this house there would be muttering, moaning, and doors being slammed as soon as I would open the door to go downstairs, so I have to wait until midday before I can take anything. I have not heard anything from over there yet, but it will probably kick off around midday. I feel so weird, I will have probably dozed off before I am allowed back down there. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX