9th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was absolutely awful little girl, it was so bad that I did not tap anything down, but because it was so bad, I can still remember some of it. Poor Percy was still in when I went down there to the kitchen, so I let him out, but with a herd of jabbering old trollops out there with that deranged lunatic, I came back up here after making my poor Mum her tea. The big old trees block some of that psychopathic morons screaming’s, I am so glad they are all there. If they were not, I am sure that I would have done some very illegal things by now. When I got back up here, I had to have the sound on the telly turned right up, it was like that all afternoon, and I could still hear the green-fanged lunatic. It was still squawking away when I went down to the kitchen in the late afternoon, and then I had to get straight back up here. The same thing happened when I went back down there for something to eat, I had just enough time to get some carrot cake. I still had to have the sound on the telly turned up loud, and the crosseyed lunatic was still at it when I went down there to the kitchen to get out of the way with Molly last night. After what felt like ages, the potty idiot seemed to have quietened down, and seeing as I was so tired, I got in bed with some of those waxy things shoved in my ears. I was just drifting off to sleep, when there was a sudden, tongue-bursting, psychopathic scream that went on for ages, and of course, it was that blasted loon. I have no idea what kind of night I had, but I was awake very early this morning, and I could not get back to sleep, so I got up. Molly came to greet me, then I staggered off down there to feed poor Percy and George. I gave them their food, but I do not know who ate the most, it was probably George, and when I put some ham out there for her, she did not want to go out. It was ages before George went out, and then I gave poor Percy his usual, then got up here out the way. Poor Percy still had food on his plate when I got down there to the kitchen, but by the time I had made the coffee, it was almost gone. Of course, when I took my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, there was a large, goofy, disfigured odd walrus stuck there waiting for me to get out of the way. I went back to the kitchen to give poor Percy a packet of Molly’s posh ducky stuff, made a fuss of him, then came up here out the way… and as I opened the door, Molly flew off down the stairs. I staggered back down there to get her, then finally got out of something’s snorting way. I am almost falling asleep sitting here little girl, and it is just morning, but I have been awake nearly six hours. I expect that today is going to be as it was yesterday little girl, that excitable, hyperactive, sugar guzzling lunatic will be out there soon, making everyone’s life a misery. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too little girl. XxX