7th August 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Poor Percy had asked to go out yesterday morning, so I did not see him, I cannot even remember if I saw him in the gardens, but I do remember some greedy odd thing waiting for me to get out of its way. I made the snorting coo wait for as long as I could though, and then get back up here to listen to the peace, which lasted longer than I thought it would. About an hour before I went back down to the kitchen, there was a huge, deranged, blood-curdling scream right at the big old fence. It came out of nowhere, I almost fell out of this chair, and I could not work out what it could be. I thought that it was a huge cat fight, but then it suddenly dawned on me what it was, it was that retarded lunatic from over there at the stinking old swamp, and it had a herd of equally retarded lunatics with it. I went down there to the kitchen with Molly, and got back up here as quickly as I could I did not even get anything to eat, and was going to wait until I went back down there to give Tiddles her food. When I went back down there, someone had just been in the downstairs bathroom, a favourite trick of that evil old ogres, so that put paid to me having anything to eat… that is two days without food, just a few biscuits with my coffee on a morning. When I got back up here, I had to put a film on, and turned the sound right up so that I could not hear the confounded lunatics, but two hours later, they were still at it, and two more hours after that, there was still loud squawking’s. After I had gotten out of the way with Molly last night, I could not even get in bed, and had to wait over half an hour, I was so tired, I can just about remember getting in bed… but more surprises awaited me. Molly decided to use her tray, so I had to get up and spray everywhere, and I could not even get rid of it, as now, I was not allowed out of this room until the next morning. Had I dared to do so, trumpeting’s and snorting’s, would have started, followed by the slamming of doors. I got back in bed, and that is about it, I can remember waking up a few times, and then waking up early this morning, but I managed to get back to sleep. I woke up a few minutes before I used to get up, but wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew poor Percy and George would be waiting, so I got up. George was crying at the garden doors before I could open them, and ran in as I went to open the big old gates for poor Percy. He came in with me, and I gave them their food, which George ate the most of. After I let George out, I gave poor Percy some more food with some salmon squirty stuff on top, then I had to get back up here out of the way. I had to let poor Percy out when I went back down there to make the coffee, and there was something waiting for me to get out of its greedy spoilt way when I took my poor Mum’s coffee in to her. I hope that today is not as bad as yesterday little girl, but knowing those grinning lunatics, it will probably be worse. I love you Topsy, and I miss you too you beautiful, brave little girl. XXXXX