9th July 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I am sorry that I could not come on here to you yesterday, or the day before little girl, but both days were horrible. When I got back from the vets with Tiddles, something was waiting for me to get out of its way, then again at midday. When I got back from shopping yesterday, the aggravating odd thing was waiting for me to get out of its way so that it could take its pills… it could have taken them when I was out, but ohh no, it waited for me to come back. I left here early yesterday, but by the time that I got down there to the end of the lane, that rotten old sun was beating down. I was glad to get to the big old shoppy place, there was hardly any humans in there, but there was one, who seemed determined to get in my way wherever I went… I am so tired, I have only just remembered. No matter where I went in there, there he was, grinning like a hyena, and it was really getting on my nerves, I was glad to get out of there. I had remembered a great big box of catfood for Percy and George, a small box for Molly, but I forgot to get her the biscuits that she likes. I managed to get myself some noodles, but it was far too hot last evening for them, I just had carrot cake. I managed to get some more carrot cake, and those lemony things… there was a load of them, but I only took two, I did not want to be greedy. It was even hotter when I left there, and was awful getting back here, but I eventually did. George was sunning herself, took one look at me, and ran off, why I shall never know. When I got in, I was pleased to see that poor Percy was still in, but as something was waiting for me to get out the way, I got back up here as soon as I had put the shopping away. I got a big woolly surprise just before midday when I went down there, as it was waiting for me to get out of its way then as well. I cannot remember if I let poor Percy out then, or when I put the shopping away. I was so tired yesterday afternoon, and almost fell asleep three or four times, the only reason I did not fall asleep was because I had my phone in my hand, and dropping it woke me. It was a quiet afternoon, but the squawking’s started just before I went down there for some carrot cake. It was not that bad when I got up here, but it soon got worse, until that long-tailed lunatic was screaming as loudly as it possibly could at the big old fence, it was absolutely awful. There was still racket out there when I had to get out of the way with Molly last night, but I was so tired, I did not care, I just put those waxy things in my ears, got in bed, and was soon asleep. I was soon awake again, I am sure that Molly jumped on my legs, and I had yet another night of waking ups. I was awake early again this morning, and did not want to get up, but I did, and went down there to feed poor Percy and George. George was crying at the garden doors when I got into the kitchen. She came in first when I opened the garden doors, and poor Percy was right behind. I gave them their food, but did not give them any ham, as they are not eating it. I just let George out, if she wants anything else later, she can come in for food. I gave poor Percy a golden tin of that salmon, with a packet of beef and kidney on top, and got up here out the way. When I went back down to see Percy, the plate was clean, so after I had taken my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, where something was waiting for me to get out the way, I went back down there and gave him another packet of beef and kidney… then got out the way. It had been nice and quiet out there, but that was not going to be allowed to stay like that, and that big-mouthed, long-tailed, horned idiot was soon out there at the swamp, barking, howling, screaming, squawking, and yapping. It was like a menagerie out there, and it is only going to get worse, and i think that the swamp-things are going to be having one of their yeehawrin, hoedowning, family orgies later… and I am dreading it. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too little girl. XxX