4th July 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Things kicked off out there at the stinky old swamp an hour before midday little girl, and dopey me was in the way as soon as I went down there to the kitchen just before midday. Even though huge breakfasts were cooked two hours before midday, and gobbled down almost immediately, something waited for me to get down there before wanting to wash huge plates. At least when I got up here, it was quiet for a while, but not for long. The deranged squawking and screaming soon started up, and that evil old swamp-witch was cackling away whilst smoking away on one cigarette after another, and guzzling down pints of gin… I had never heard a real, evil old cackle until that thing did one. When I went down there late yesterday afternoon, I had to get out of the way again, and when I got back up here, my stomach was grumbling and growling. I had to have noodles again last evening, but I am getting fed up with them again. I was bellowed at when I took Tiddles chicken soup in to her, that did not make me feel any better, especially as I had been bellowed at for going in there two nights beforehand. I wanted my poor Mum to give me a hand with Molly last night, as she had to have her flea treatment, but I did not dare go in to ask her, in case my sister bellowed at me again. Molly did her usual thing, and went running off up the hallway and stairs, and into here… she has not wanted to know me since. My dopey head hit the pillows late last night, but it did not mean I had a lay in… I kept waking up, and was awake this morning half an hour earlier than I used to wake up. Poor Percy came in as soon as I opened the garden doors, George dithered around, but came in, and they left some food. George was going off so quickly, that she did not even want her ham, but I left it there for her, gave poor Percy his usual, then got back up here out of the way again. As usual, something was waiting for me to get out the way when I went down there to make the coffee. It was stuck there like a stuffed moose when I took my poor Mum’s coffee in to her, then up here I had to get. Molly managed to escape, and made it down there to the kitchen door, but I was so tired, I cannot remember if there was any wild trumpeting. When we got back up here, she wanted some biscuits, then went off over there by the big window. She is now settled down on her catcave, and will not be bothering me until she wants something… just as others do. I have just remembered being accused of "buying myself anything I wanted" the other day, and all I had delivered were six milkshakes. I heard my sister muttering away to something, but I did not dare say anything. I am so tired, and my eyes hurt so much little girl, it is as if someone is in there hammering away on them… I look as if I have two great big black-eyes. There has been no big cakeholes out there yet, so I wonder if today could be that day. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too little girl. XxX