William 18th May 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. We had a nice quiet morning yesterday little girl, poor Percy was still in when I got down there to the kitchen, and I got a nice long purry cuddle from him before I let him out. I had to get out of something’s snorting way, but I was glad to get back up here, as I felt like a knock-kneed knackered old donkey. I felt so tired, and felt like falling asleep in this chair, but just over two hours past midday, the amazing lunatics started their act. First of all a few bow-legged, drunken old trollops came staggering out into the stinky old swamp and started arguing, then that attention-seeking lunatic came along, and the arguing got worse. One thing was so drunk, I heard it mumbling "du ya wanna go toylarr," and it said it about seventy times - oh what a big surprise, the drunken old warhoging trollops have started already, one filthy old tripehound has just staggered out into the swamp swearing like a trooper. It has only just gone two hours to midday, I think that is a new record for the boily-faced, green-toothed, scraggy-haired old trollops… that deranged idiot will be out soon, and it will be another twelve hours of twisted mayhem. It was also very hot, and the big old oven was blazing away underneath this room again, and I was so hungry last evening, I had to have noodles. I could not eat them all though, I think that I will just have some carrot cake this evening. By the time that I got up here with Molly last night, those degenerates has staggered back inside, which was good for me, as it was so hot in here, I had to have the big window open. I had to have the new not so scary old fan on when I crawled in bed too, and after that, I remember nothing until I woke up in the middle of the night. I woke up once more before getting up about twenty minutes early this morning… my eyes feel like they are going to fall out. I fed Percy and George, George ate most of the food, but I let her out with ham, and I gave poor Percy his usual before getting back up here out the way. As usual, out of the way I had to get when I went back down to make the coffee, but I got more cuddles from poor Percy before I did so. I said to Charlie that I hated to think what those lunatics had in store for us today, but it never crossed my mind that the barbarians would be starting so early… I have not even heard any beautiful birdsong yet, even the little birds have been pushed out of the way. I do not know if I will be going into town tomorrow little girl, if the cardboardy blokes come early, I will do so. I did get a woolly surprise though, as seeing as I had almost £300 worth of gobbling’s delivered last week, I did not think I would have to get much, just catfood. However, I have been told to bring back more gobbling’s, and I cannot understand why… the freezer is full to the top with all kinds of food, but if I cannot carry it, I am not going to buy it, poor Percy and George need food, and so does Molly. It is bound to to be about 180° in the shade whatever day I go out, so I am just coming back with what is needed. If I am not on here tomorrow little girl, I will be the day after. I love you so much Topsy, and I miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XxX