William 27th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. I did not hear that maladjusted, cross-eyed, buck-toothed, mutated, inbred, dribbling idiot at all yesterday little girl, but the wide-legged, thunder-thighed old trollops made up for it late yesterday afternoon. I thought I could hear something weird when I went down to the kitchen late yesterday afternoon, and when things got a bit quieter, I heard a herd of old slappering trollops grazing at the stinking old swamp. They were cackling and snorting as they guzzled down bucketfuls of vodka, gin, meths, and diesel, and could not have made any more noise if they tried… it was awful while I was trying to get my noodles ready. It was worse down there in the kitchen, and there were no windows open, but I could not hear them up here with the big old window open. They were still wallowing around out there last night when I went down there to get out of the way with Molly. I think I had a good night, but was awake early this morning, and did not want to get up. I did though, and staggered off down there to the kitchen to feed Percy and George. I think George ate most of it, and when I let her out, she just ran off, so I gave poor Percy his usual, and got out the way. I went down there earlier than I did yesterday to make the coffee, but something was still waiting for me to get out of their snorting way, I will go down much later on Friday. Poor Percy had left a bit of ham on his plate, so before I got up here out of something’s hairy, wide way, I opened another packet of food on top, and managed to get a cuddle from Percy. I have to go into town tomorrow to get more gobbling’s to be grabbed and shovelled down, and I shall probably be spending over £100 again. I only need to get a few packets of biscuits for myself, a big box of catfood for Percy and George, and some ham for them. The rest is nothing to do with me, it will just be grabbed and gobbled down just after I have put it away… the fridge will be half empty again in two days. Somebody decided to put donuts and cake in boxes in the fridge a couple of weeks ago, it takes up so much room, they are still there now, and they know that it annoys me. I tidy the fridge, and then more boxes get put in there, but they can stay there, I am sick and tired of tidying it. I am starting to witter on again little girl, so I had better go, I will be back on here to Charlie and you the day after tomorrow. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you so much too you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX