William 18th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. Yesterday was another nice day little girl, which is very strange, as I cannot remember the last time that this has happened… three days in a row, and if nothing happens today, it will be four. I doubt that we will get as far as today though, as I have to try and get the phones up and running, and I have to get behind that great big telly to do so, and my sister is bound to start moaning because I have to move it. I have been trying for a week to get them going, but each time I try, she was playing that blasted computery game. I can only remember one problem from yesterday, and that was when a great big, stingy, nasty old wasp tried to get in at the big old window. It was almost as big as poor Percy, and I do not know why they have to keep trying to get in our house… it is the same with nasty, rotten stinking old filthy flies. I open the garden doors, or the big scary old door, and there are herds of the filthy odd things waiting out there to come buzzing in, I hate them. I had to get out of the way quickly when I went down there for my small bowl of noodles last evening, but at least they did not taste as awful as they did the evening before. After I had gotten out of the way again with Molly last night, she started with her latest thing… wowing loudly when I try to get into bed. She goes on and on and on, but in a normal house, I could let her back down there… but not this one. Once I get up here with Molly, that is it until the next morning… if I even dare to try to go down there, large, heavy odd things will go thundering up and down the hallway, and I do not fancy having my spine dislocated in forty places. I just laid there in bed last night, with those waxy earpluging things shoved deep in my lug’oles, and I could still hear her wailings. I overslept by a few minutes this mornings, and thought that I had had a good nightings, but I am almost falling asleep as I tap this out. I fed Percy and George, let George out with ham when she had finished, gave Percy his usual, then got back up here out of the way. When I went back down there to make the coffee, something was waiting for me to get out of the way, but I managed to give Percy some more food before doing so. Something has to go into work for more gobbling’s soon, so at least I will hopefully have a few hours of peace. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX