William 9th April 2022

Good morning beautiful Topsy. The nasty old scary wind was blowing around a lot the afternoon before yesterday, it was so bad that I was blown up the path on the way back from the chemists. It had calmed down by the time that I went down there to the kitchen in the late afternoon, and I was going to take Molly with me, but changed my mind. When I got down there, my poor Mum was just coming down the hallway, and she told me that something had gone out. I stood near the big scary old door, as I knew something would be crashing through it at any moment, and as my poor Mum had just got past, the big scary old door was shoved open. I just managed to get out of the way, and just about managed to miss being flattened against the wall. Of course, I then had to get out of the way again, and got back up here before I could hardly do anything… had to make do with noodles that evening. I was still a bit wound up from the screaming and squawking from the night before, and could only eat a few forkfuls, though something else made sure that it had yet another great feed. After I had got out of the way yet again with Molly that night, I think that I had a good sleep, but was awake early again yesterday morning, but at least poor Percy and George were fed earlier than they usually are… I managed to leave here early to get into town. There was still something waiting for me to get out of the way though, even at that time of the morning. I got in the big old shoppy place earlier than usual, but even so, some greedy odd human had grabbed all but one of the noodles that I like… I really could not believe it, I have hardly anything to eat for next week. I had to eat them last evening, as I was starving, but all I will be able to have this evening are some carrot cakes, I will not have time to get soup ready. By the time I get halfway down the stairs, something will want me out of the way, and I had better do so, I do not want the same thing happening as happened the other night. I have had to go without for far more worse things before for the evil old ogre and something else. I was very tired last night, and Molly waited for me to get into bed and get settled down before she started wailing, and the more that I ignored her, the louder she got. In the end, I had to tell her to be quiet, but she still carried on, and did not stop until I got up and sat in this chair. I was so tired that I cannot remember if she started when I finally got into bed, but I think that I had a good nights sleep, and woke up not long before I used to. I fed Percy and George, gave George a big lump of ham when I let her out, gave Percy his usual, and got back up here out of the way before I managed to get in the way again. I had to get out of the way again when I went back down there to make the coffee, but managed to give Percy another pack of food, and get myself some biscuits before something went thundering down the hallway like an old bull with mustard slapped on its dangly bits. So far it has been nice and quiet this morning little girl, and I hope that it stays that way… though knowing the big mouthed idiots around here, it will not stay quiet for long. I love you Topsy, I love you so much little girl, and I miss you, I miss you so much you beautiful brave little girl. XXXXX